In the second half of Paris Bath (29, 200cm), he perfectly survived and led Suwon KT to a come-from-behind victory.
KT and Wonju DB will have a showdown at the fifth round of the 2023-2024 professional basketball league held at KT Sonicboom Arena in Suwon on Saturday. DB manager Kim Joo-sung mentioned Bath before the game. Bath is the ace of KT, which has been active in this season with an average of 25.1 points, 10.7 rebounds, and 4.4 assists. DB gave a whopping 43 points to Bath in a third round match against KT on Dec. 17 last year, kneeling down.
Manager Kim Joo-sung said, “I want to match Kang Sang-jae or Choi Seung-wook. It is hard to stop them if they have speed from the outside. I told them to defend themselves so that they don’t have speed. They have great breakthroughs, but they are trying to give two-point shots rather than three-point shots. The key is how much they block the bath.”
As manager Kim Joo-sung said, DB kept Bath in check. He basically left Kang Sang-jae to defend himself, and blocked his breakthrough with appropriate assist defense. Bath, blocked by DB’s defense, struggled. He failed to create a shot chance itself, and only scored three points in the first half. He threw three field throws and only scored one. KT, which had a tight ace, was dragged to DB 35-38.
However, Bath started to wake up in the second half. He hit three-pointers in three consecutive quarters, and successfully made a breakthrough. Following a three-pointer, he hit a dunk shot, bringing the mood completely to KT’s side. As if to ease its slump in the first half, KT scored as many as 13 points in the fourth quarter alone. KT, which had 21 points in the second half alone, won a come-from-behind victory 79-76.
Bath played 33 minutes and 39 seconds, boasting 24 points, nine rebounds, and six assists, demonstrating his presence in various fields. He made eight of his 17 field throws, including nine three-point shots and four hits. He dominated the second half of the game perfectly, contributing to KT’s come-from-behind victory.
After the game, manager Kim Joo-sung said, “I allowed the opponent in the second half to play fastball, and Bath was revived. 헤라카지노도메인 There was a defense that was promised, but the players hesitated. That’s why I gave a lot of points.”
KT manager Song Young-jin said of Bath’s performance in the first and second half of the year, which was clearly divided, “My teammates have to support me, and I have to go with them, but I feel pressured to carry it alone. I try to pass it, but if it doesn’t work, I get annoyed and my condition sometimes declines. Then, I get too aggressive offense and shoot tough shots. Korean players should also make efforts,” he said.
Bath showed completely different performance in the first and second half of the game. Nevertheless, he took responsibility for scoring goals at a critical moment, leading KT to come from behind to win the game. He clearly imprinted on everyone why he is KT’s ace.