Uncategorized ‘Legacy of the last’ Battery born in 2002 finally meets in the first group… A song of hope sung during the struggle
Uncategorized “I can come back in the first half…” The only scoring position with a batting average of 40%? don’t rush
Uncategorized A foreign pitcher who couldn’t even laugh at QS went to the manager himself… “What’s my problem?”
Uncategorized Should I change the ’21 wins, 1 draw, 10 losses’ uniform… Samsung, ‘Purple’ when wearing the dynasty symbol stripes
Uncategorized ‘Without all bases, no score → 2G only 2 points’ Binta… ‘7 innings KKKKKKKKKKK’ Ace’s sigh of perfect pitch
Uncategorized The two-team system has hardened, but the defending champion still has thousands of troops left to return.