Former Washington Nationals owner Ted Runner has passed away at the age of 97.

Washington said on its official website and SNS on the 14th (Korean time), “It is very regrettable to announce the death of Lerner, the head of the founding management.”

Lerner, a former real estate developer, bought the baseball team for $450 million in 2006 after the Montreal Expos moved to Washington. At the time, it was evaluated as the weakest team in the major leagues, but with steady investment, it grew into a strong team and even won the World Series.

Lerner served as owner until 2018, after which his son took over. He also participated in the celebration at the time of the championship and expressed his steady love for the club. 온라인카지노

He made great efforts not only in investment but also in social contribution. He created a youth baseball academy named after the club and gave opportunities to children and youth in the region.

Washington said, “His best performance was bringing the team back to the city that loved baseball and winning the championship. He loved this team and brought it home to his beloved home.”

Major League Commissioner Rob Manfred also issued a statement, saying, “The contribution that the owner of Runner has made to his hometown of Washington and Major League Baseball is truly amazing. He will remember and miss him.”

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