This is the 4th challenge. Over the past two years, the trio of Justin Bohr, Rio Ruiz and Mabel Garcia have failed miserably. The next runner up was Austin Dean (30), and he knew this all too well. It is Austin who emphasized that he should actively develop his strengths rather than worrying about his past players.

Austin signed a contract with LG in December of last year for a total of $700,000 (down payment of $100,000, annual salary of $400,000, and incentive of $200,000). It was the moment when the contract with Austin, which LG had put in the recruiting candidates for the past few years, was concluded.

In an interview with reporters after training at the Giants Complex in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA on the 4th (Korean time), Austin said, “I was always interested in going to Korea. Especially last summer, I really had the opportunity to go to Korea. But I couldn’t come because I had a problem with my former team. If there is an opportunity to go to Korea during the off-season, I really wanted to grab it, and this time I came to LG. I think it will be a big turning point in my career.”

Austin is a right-handed power hitter that LG has been looking for for a long time. He is also capable of multiple positions in first base and corner outfield. Austin said of his position, “The position I am most confident in is right fielder. The left fielder has confidence next. In fact, I’m good at any position I’m in. Going to a baseball game is a meaningful thing in itself.”

LG coach Yeom Kyung-yeop is looking forward to Austin’s shoulder. I pictured Austin tying up opposing runners with a strong and accurate throw from right field.

Regarding this, Austin said, “While playing baseball, I got good advice on throwing from good coaches and good players. It seems that an accurate and strong throw was made in this process,” he said. “The strength of my throw is accuracy. The throw is not very strong, but I can make an accurate throw to prevent the runner from advancing.”

He knew the reality well. I already knew that the success rate of foreign hitters entering the KBO league is low recently, and that LG foreign hitters in particular are failing one after another.

Austin said, “After his contract, I received a lot of DMs from LG fans. He also heard about the LG foreign batter curse through DM,” he said. “I am well aware that it is not an easy league. So he also sought advice from Dixon Machado. Machado said, ‘Never adjust the league to you, go according to your league. Don’t be in too much of a hurry, take your time and adapt to the league.” Kelly and Plutko also give advice to show off your strengths while having fun without feeling pressured.”

Finally, he said, “LG ​​foreign batters who have passed will not be conscious. He wants to show that he is a player who is always dedicated to the team by actively engaging in batting and running base play,” he said. “I came to Korea because I wanted to play consistently. It’s good to leave a good record in Korea and go back to the major leagues, but I want to renew my contract with LG. I want to do well this year and renew my contract next year and continue to play for this team.” 토토사이트

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