Director Jo Sang-hyun revealed his thoughts on Lee Kwan-hee’s watch ceremony.

In Changwon LG, ‘watch ceremony’ is in vogue. Lee Kwan-hee is presenting a clock ceremony after hitting a big shot in the clutch situation this season. It is said that the 4th quarter started to convey the meaning to director Cho Sang-hyun not to omit it because it is his time.

Lee Kwan-hee is not alone in the ceremony. Players sitting on the bench during the game raise the mood by watching the clock ceremony whenever their teammates hit a big shot. Lee Kwan-hee’s ceremony created a trend in LG.

What does coach Cho Sang-hyun think about the team’s ceremony? He asked director Jo Sang-hyun if he had received the message from Lee Kwan-hee’s ceremony. 안전놀이터

Director Jo Sang-hyun said, “I didn’t receive that message (laughs). he hasn’t arrived yet After seeing the article in the morning, I asked (Lee) Kwan-hee, ‘Should I remove it? I’ll take it off if it’s hard. I joked, “If I do what you tell me to do, what will I have to take out?”

“I think these days, young players are living in an era of self-appeal. It’s not bad as long as it doesn’t go too far, and I think it’s good to express yourself.”

‘Excess is poisonous’ This is the part that director Cho Sang-hyun is concerned about. However, Lee Kwan-hee’s ceremony is still working as a part of creating excitement in the KBL game. Furthermore, LG is in second place with 22 wins and 13 losses, and the ride with No. 1 Anyang KGC has narrowed to two games. The part where the home win rate, which caused coach Cho Sang-hyun to fall into trouble, has also improved. They have won all 3 home games recently held at Changwon Gymnasium.

LG, which is aiming to reclaim first place, added a pleasant ceremony, and the team’s reaction was hot. Fans are also responding that they are enjoying the game more than ever. Can LG continue to rise to No. 1 following the hot atmosphere?

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