Napoli is trying to renew the contract with Kim Min-jae (25), but has put an upper limit on the annual salary. Players cannot be given more than 2.5 million euros per year. Currently, Kim Min-jae’s annual salary is 2.5 million euros.

Italian media ‘Calcio Napoli’ said on the 5th (Korean time), “Chairman Napoli de Laurentis is trying to lower the salary cap. It is a decision to match the team’s accounting books. We plan to lower the salary cap for the entire team to 75 million euros (approximately 101.2 billion won).” 온라인카지노

Napoli are currently leading the Italian Serie A. AS Roma, Inter Milan, Lazio, and Atalanta chase away and are in first place. In 20 league games since the opening day, they have allowed only one loss. At this rate, it is possible to win Scudetto (Serie A championship) for the first time in 33 years.

This season, Kim Min-jae from the back and Hvitza Kravatshelia and Viktor Osimen from the front are making great strides. Kim Min-jae is a freshman who joined this summer, but he is showing his 100% advantage without regret and is firmly guarding the back of Napoli.

Another team is entangled with Kim Min-jae’s big success after half a season of joining. Manchester United in the Premier League are interested in Kim Min-jae. Tottenham, who approached Kim Min-jae during Jose Mourinho’s days, also included Kim Min-jae in the recruiting list.

Kim Min-jae’s buyout is from July 1st to the 15th. It is 45 million euros (approximately 60.7 billion won), but it is rather cheap if Kim Min-jae is currently active. Napoli is considering renewing the contract with a salary increase plan, including an increase or deletion of the Kim Min-jae buyout.

However, if the president of Naples plans, Kim Min-jae cannot be captured. The upper limit of the annual salary set by the chairman of Naples is the current annual salary of Kim Min-jae. Osimen (with an annual salary of 4.5 million euros) is also becoming difficult to catch. If special benefits are not given to some players, the intention is to send key players, including Kim Min-jae.

According to local UK reports, Chelsea are trying to approach Osimen. Chelsea spent a lot of money last summer and this winter, but they are ready to spend a lot on Osimen.

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