Kyoto International High School, a Korean ethnic school in Japan, has reached the final of the national high school baseball championship in Japan, called “Summer Koshien.” Upon hearing the news, President Yoon Suk Yeol praised the players himself.

On the 22nd, President Yoon left a congratulatory message on SNS, saying, “Korean Kyoto International High School advanced to the finals for the first time at the Koshien of the National High School Baseball Championship in Japan, which is called the ‘Dream Stage’. I applaud the determination and passion of the players who played with all their might to the point where their uniforms were not strong.”

“Koshien is the most prestigious competition in Japanese high school baseball, and nearly 4,000 teams participate every year,” he said. “It is amazing that Korean Kyoto International High School, which has only 159 students, has made it to the finals at such a big competition. I am truly proud of you.”

Finally, President Yoon wrote, “Your summer has just begun. I will cheer for the Kyoto International High School baseball team and students who brought great joy to the Korean community and our people through baseball.”

Kyoto International High School won 3-2 over Aomoriyama Dada in the semifinals of the National High School Baseball Championship held at Hanshin Koshien Stadium in Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture, on the 21st and won a ticket to the final. 메이저놀이터

Kyoto International High School, which opened in 1947, was established by ethnic Koreans in Kyoto for their children’s national education and learning the Korean language. The baseball team was established in 1999.

Players from Kyoto International High School include Hwang Mok-chi-seung (former LG Twins), Shin Sung-hyun (former Doosan Bears), and Jung Kyu-sik (former LG Twins).

Meanwhile, Kyoto International High School will play the final match against Kanto Daiichi High School on the 23rd.

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